The trains live at the Port Stanley Terminal Rail. Here at the L&PS Station we offer train rides from our location to Parkside for special events. There is no regular schedule for the train to London or Port Stanley.
Check our website for info on upcoming train rides.
Check our website for info on upcoming train rides.
How much does a train ride cost?
The train rides from the L&PS Station run for special events and are usually at NO COST courtesy of Railway City Tourism and the St. Thomas Economic Development Corporation or other sponsoring groups.
Sometimes there are ticketed events on the train that are usually accompanied by food, drink and entertainment.
Sometimes there are ticketed events on the train that are usually accompanied by food, drink and entertainment.
Why doesn't the train run to London or Port Stanley?
The train does not run to Port Stanley or London on the regular as it is run by a volunteer rail tourism organization, the Port Stanley Terminal Rail. They are not a transit company. Its current purpose is for tourism due to the track’s historic nature.
Currently, the tracks end at Kains Street in St. Thomas, the connection to London having been removed many years ago.
Currently, the tracks end at Kains Street in St. Thomas, the connection to London having been removed many years ago.
Will there be a train running to London or Port Stanley in the future?
The train tracks are named “L&PS” (London and Port Stanley) due to their historic roots. Their current purpose is for scenic tours along the tracks in Port Stanley and separately in St. Thomas; we do not know what the future holds for future rail connections or service.
The L&PS Station is home to Railway City Tourism ("Hi everybody!"), the tourist information centre open year-round.
Can I book the train for an event?
Yes. If you are interested in booking the train for your event please contact the Port Stanley Terminal Rail by phone at 519-782-3730 or by e-mail at [email protected]
The Port Stanley Terminal Rail offers scenic train rides in Port Stanley on a seasonal basis. Reservations are not required and regular rides are one hour in duration. Adults cost $15 and children ages 2-14 years old cost $9.
The Port Stanley Terminal Rail also has special half price rides and dinner events on the train. Visit for more details
The Port Stanley Terminal Rail also has special half price rides and dinner events on the train. Visit for more details
More train questions?
If you haven't found the answer to your question surrounding the train in St. Thomas, please contact us and we will follow up with you.