The St. Thomas Fire Muster Days is a popular Labour Day festival to celebrate fire service workers and build camaraderie among them through competition and other events. “We look forward to it every year it comes,” said Kim Destun, co-chairwoman of the organizing committee. The event kicks off Saturday morning with the popular Parade, followed by opening ceremonies, noon at Pinafore. The parade will flow down Talbot to Elgin St., then to Elm St. and out to Pinafore. Opening ceremonies and national anthems follow at noon, and muster competitions begin at 12:30 pm. "The muster games consist of a bunch of a different skill-based competitions,” Destun said. “But they're just fun, obstacle course-type games is the best way to describe them.” Schedule of EventsSeptember 5th
All Day- Antique fire trucks and apparatus on display. Vendors, beer garden, children’s area, food and live entertainment. Emergency service displays and demonstrations. 10:30am Parade: Leaving Timken (1055 Talbot St.) west down Talbot St. to Elgin, south on Elgin to Wilson Ave, left to Elm St. and into Pinafore Park 12pm-1pm Opening ceremonies: national anthem and music by studio arts 12:30pm-6pm Muster Competitions: teams of 6 people compete in firefighter skills based games Dusk Movie in the Park: Fee family movie "HOME" MORE! 1-2 Superhero Party with Meet and Greet 2-3 Princess Party with Meet and Greet 3-5 Live Music by Studio Arts 5-6 Awards and Prizes for Muster Competitions 6-8 Music by Grievance (Pearl Jam Tribute) *surprise appearances by superheroes and princesses Sunday Sept 6th All Day- Antique fire trucks and apparatus on display. Vendors, beer garden, children’s area, food and live entertainment. Emergency service displays and demonstrations. 8:30am Car and Motorcycle Show 8:30am-12pm Breakfast in the Park 10:30am Fire Truck Rodeo 3pm-4pm Dog Obstacle Course and best dressed dog! (Costume) Sponsored by Abbeydale Animal Hopsital 4pm-5pm Closing Ceremonies MORE! 12-1 Music studio arts 1-3 Music by Traci Kennedy 2pm Auto Extrication Demonstration by Yarmouth Center VFD 4-5 Music studio arts
Ed Hass
5/1/2016 12:17:59 am
I am trying to track down the owner of a 1948 Ahrens-Fox fire engine that appeared at the first antique fire engine muster in St. Thomas in 1983, and apparently a few times since then. This fire engine is lettered Berkeley Heights on the hood, because it originally served the town of Berkeley Heights, NJ. Any help in finding the owner of this fore engine will be greatly appreciated.Ed Hass, phone 916-598-6048.
Railway City Tourism
5/2/2016 09:46:24 am
Hi Ed, thanks for your interest in Firemuster! Railway City Tourism does not organize this event, but I have included a link to their Facebook Page where you can likely be in touch with the organizers. Hopefully they can help you further.
Kyle mclauchlan
1/23/2022 12:17:10 am
Keep me posted
Kyle Mclauchlan
6/25/2022 01:49:05 pm
What's the dates for 2022
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